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As a tool SERPBOT serves three core SEO purposes: automatic retrieval of search engine ranking positions, keyword research and backlink monitoring. You do not have to use expensive tools and can save time and money to focus on your core tasks.

1,500 keyword ranking checks

With SERPBOT PRO you get 1.500 keyword ranking checks across all of your projects. Every keyword gets checked at least once a day. SERPBOT PRO is the SEO tool for cost aware webmasters, marketers and agencies.

Access to Keyword Tool and Backlink Checker

With SERPBOT PRO you also get access to our keyword tool with suggestions, search volume data and SEO competition for each keyword. You will also get access to SERPBOTs backlink checker with daily rechecks.

100% Usability

The usability of SERPBOT is as easy as a software can be. You get special colors for each keyword that has ranking positions within the top 10, top 20 and top 30, empasis of keywords with high monthly search volume as well as an evaluation of each keywords best ranking position thus far.

Of course you can also search and filter your keywords to structure them as you prefer. Over time, you see your projects and each keywords individual ranking history as diagrams.

100% fair – you can cancel at any time.

You can order your SERPBOT PRO subscription for 17 EUR a month

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Monthly payments of [OTHER_AMOUNTS]. Cancellable on a monthly basis. Incl. taxes
Monthly payments of [OTHER_AMOUNTS]. First payment now of [1ST_AMOUNT]. Cancellable on a monthly basis. Incl. taxes
Only [OTHER_AMOUNTS] per month
Easy monthly payments of [OTHER_AMOUNTS]. Cancellable on a monthly basis.
Pay [1ST_AMOUNT] now and then monthly [OTHER_AMOUNTS]. Cancellable on a monthly basis.
from 04/12/2025 on