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Tonie King says:

"It's a wonderful book. Everything is clearly written. Five star is not enough."

William Walker says:

"...every subject explained in detail"

Jim Loyd says:

"This is a thoroughly readable reference. It's not med schools thorough text, but it is clear and is a good guide to save lives."

Zabian Crosby says:

"This book is a must-read for disaster preparedness. It is clearly written, easy to understand, and extremely informative. I highly recommend Survival MD!"

Kenneth Rothwell says:

"here is always something unexpected, which you haven't planned. Twenty-four years in the service, nine years of it in Special Ops proved it to me. 5 stars for Survival MD"

Rusty Coleman says:

"Very detailed but easy to understand. The way it is shown and explained it makes my comfort level very high in performing what is necessary to address various situations"

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Tonie King says:

"It's a wonderful book. Everything is clearly written. Five star is not enough."

William Walker says:

"...every subject explained in detail"

Jim Loyd says:

"This is a thoroughly readable reference. It's not med schools thorough text, but it is clear and is a good guide to save lives."

Zabian Crosby says:

"This book is a must-read for disaster preparedness. It is clearly written, easy to understand, and extremely informative. I highly recommend Survival MD!"

Kenneth Rothwell says:

"here is always something unexpected, which you haven't planned. Twenty-four years in the service, nine years of it in Special Ops proved it to me. 5 stars for Survival MD"

Rusty Coleman says:

"Very detailed but easy to understand. The way it is shown and explained it makes my comfort level very high in performing what is necessary to address various situations"
